Ahimsa Yoga Studio
Oak Park, IL — This was Rain/Danielle's "home" studio, where she taught many classes each week and regularly offered workshops and Gong Baths. It's a wonderful place with warm, welcoming people, great teachers, a beautiful big open space, and good energy.
Buddhist Artifacts
Encinitas, CA — This is THE best source for high-quality singing bowls and beautiful sculptures, etc. It is the website of Richard Rudis, who trained and certified Rain/Danielle in the use of the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Gongs.
Dalai Lama
Dharamsala, India — The official website of the Dalai Lama, containing much wisdom, grace and guidance.
Chanhassen, MN — This is the spiritual path and teachings that Rain/Danielle has been a student of for over 40 years. Eckankar is based on direct personal experience and transcends philosophy and orthodox religion. It gives practical ways for people to have real spiritual experiences, even the ultimate experience of God, in this very lifetime. Soul is able to discover and become the path of truth itself.
Portland, OR — This is the only place Rain/Danielle knows of where they are working with the energetic aspects of highest-quality precious and semi-precious stones.
Heartmath Institute
Boulder Creek, CA — This is an amazing place where they have done research and brought to light so much information about the heart and the heart-brain relationship. Our hearts really are "running the show" — NOT our brains; and Heartmath has the science to prove this. In the past, Rain/Danielle has utilized one of their emWave systems, to show clients the efficacy of the sound, breathwork and Reiki. Take a few minutes and check out their website; your time won't be wasted.
Heifer International
Little Rock, AR — Since 1944, Heifer International (a non-profit) has worked to bring help, healing and hope to millions of impoverished families worldwide. Heifer International works in the areas of livestock and agriculture to develop programs that alleviate hunger and poverty. You donate your dollars and they gift goats, chickens, heifers, pigs, llamas, beehives, tree seedlings, etc to families all over the world.
Ho'oponopono (HubPages)
New York, NY — Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian system that heals oneself (and the world). Rain/Danielle has utilized Ho'oponopono with clients and herself extensively. It is proven, simple to use, highly effective, and only takes a few minutes.
International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
United States — International Association of Reiki Professionals – for all things Reiki. Good source for if you want to learn about Reiki, find a Reiki practitioner near you, and more.
Introducing Kids to Motorsports (CarCovers.com)
Memphis, TN — Most kids are exposed to sports like baseball, soccer, and basketball at very young ages, but many are not introduced to motorsports. Motorsports, however, are excellent ways for kids to have fun, develop coordination, and build character while competing against peers and mastering skills. Motorsports are also contactless, meaning they don't involve violence in the same way many other sports often do.
MyShapeStylist, App for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch
If you like to shop online (clothes) and don't like to shop in regular stores where you have to try things on, this is the website for you. My Shape Stylist is an app that works on all iPhones, iPads and the iPod Touch.
Sol Center
Tucson, AZ — Emphasizing inner awareness and embodied understanding, yoga classes at Sol Center have a common contemplative thread. Providing you with a greater capacity to be whole in the midst of the action and distraction, beauty and challenge, that fills your everyday life. Whether you’re new or experienced with these practices, Sol Center endeavors to keep participation simple and meaningful for you to begin, continue, immerse, or simply drop-in when needed.
Sports Car Club of America (SCCA)
Topeka, KS — The Sports Car Club of America is the largest membership and sanctioning body for amateur (and some professional too) auto racing in the U.S. It provided many of the venues for Rain/Danielle to have a lot of fun in the past — yes, she raced cars.
The Practical Path
Tujunga, CA — The Practical Path offers MEDICAL INTUITIVE TRAINING™ and Intuitive Development for Wellness Professionals. This is the school where Rain/Danielle trained and is certified by as a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP). This accredited certification program presents a comprehensive step-by-step method of pinpoint visualization skills and in-depth intuitive scanning, intended to help practitioners deliver complete whole-person healthcare for body, mind, and spirit well-being.
The Yoga Connection
Tucson, AZ — The Yoga Connection is a nonprofit [501(c)3] organization serving the Tucson community since 1987. This studio is dedicated to serving all those who seek to learn Hatha Yoga, meditation and the Kriya Yoga teachings. This is Rain/Danielle's yoga home in Tucson, where she offers a Gong Bath every month and sometimes teaches yoga classes too.
Tibetan Bowl School
Encinitas, CA — The Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing School, operated by Sound Energy Healing (Diane Mandle) in association with Sacred Sound Workshops (Richard Rudis) is an organization dedicated to the research, awareness of and training in the uses of the Tibetan Sacred Sound Instruments (singing bowls, gantas & tingshas) as therapeutic and transformational modalities. Danielle Dvorak (Rain) is listed in the Practitioner's Directory here as she was certified by Richard Rudis, one of the school's founders – although she was trained and certified before the school was established.
Santa Rosa, CA — A great source for Australian Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and other very high quality, organic essential oils. The V-Vax website also has a lot of excellent information on utilizing essential oils, background research, and more.
Everywhere, Earth — The best online encyclopedia. Please donate here, even a few dollars.
Yoga Now
Chicago IL — Yoga Now is a wonderful yoga studio with a great variety of classes and talented teachers. This is where Rain/Danielle took yoga teacher training in 2011, with studio owner Amy Beth Treciokas who trained in India with K. Pattabhi Jois. Rain also offered Sound Baths with the Earth Gong here, at least once a month, and sometimes other workshops as well, for a numbers of years. If you're looking for a yoga studio in Chicago, Danielle/Rain HIGHLY recommends Yoga Now.